PANGAEA Internet Realizes Dramatic Growth
February 20, 2009– Tryon, NC
Contacts: Ron Walters (828-817-0863), Stu Davidson (828-817-2919)
PANGAEA Internet, a non-profit business of e-Polk, Inc., has achieved dramatic growth in 2008. As of December 31, 2008, PANGAEA has expanded its fiber optic network to 120 miles, spanning Polk and Rutherford Counties, NC. This growth is the result of more than $2.5 million in funding since 2004 from foundations, local governments, business partners and other non profit companies.
PANGAEA’s customer base has experienced dramatic growth as well and provides service to 40 customers at 80 separate locations throughout the two counties. These customers include:
Polk County Government Town of Tryon
Isothermal Community College Polk County Library
Polk County Schools CooperRiis Isothermal Planning
Pavillon Polk County Chamber of Commerce
Rutherford County Schools Rutherford County Government
In 2008, PANGAEA generated $682K in revenue, an increase of 337% compared to 2007. The company also established a $200K emergency cash reserve to protect its network from any unforeseen damage or loss.
PANGAEA’S mission is to build an open and cost effective fiber optic network and deliver affordable high-speed Internet connectivity to enhance economic development and improve the quality of life in Polk and Rutherford Counties. Please call or visit to see how PANGAEA is impacting health care, government agencies, schools and colleges, other non profits, and businesses throughout the region.